Hugh’s Conspiracies – The Moon is Hollow?

What if I were to tell you that not only is our very own Moon hollow, but also artificially made and was deliberately placed there by intelligent beings? Like me, you would probably say that it was a pretty far fetched theory. And we’re right, that’s all it is, a theory. But what if I were to tell you that there was more evidence to support the Hollow Moon theory than there is to justify any other explanation for it’s existence? I shall explain;

It is universally accepted by nearly all astronomers that the moon is bigger than it should be, older than it should be and lighter in mass than it should be. That it occupies an unlikely orbit and Chuck Norris was evidently created there!……… Oh and it’s so extraordinary that all existing explanations for it’s presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight. In other words it shouldn’t be there and nobody has a clue how it came to be. FACT!

In today’s school books they teach two different explanations for Earth’s very own satellite;

The Whack Theory – That billions of years ago a Mars sized planet collided with the Moon collusion.pngEarth and the debris and rock circulating our planet caused by this collision bunched up to create the Moon. This theory was floored when technology allowed us to accurately simulate this event and it’s now accepted that it didn’t happen.

The Double Whack Theory – Very much the same as The Whack Theory, but the Mars sized planet survived enough from the first collision to come round and have a pop at the Earth a second time. Again the simulation didn’t work and the theory has been pushed a side. The DWT was a desperate attempt to keep the old theory alive.

Humans naturally do not want to believe that intelligent beings had any influence on our deliberate surroundings, possibly influencing our very existence, that we often choose to simply ignore or cover up facts. If our understanding of the Moon was simply based on evidence then it would almost certainly be accepted that the Moon was artificially made, however because of our own stubbornness and fear for the unknown, we search high and low for any other factors which would rule this out. It’s like a team of scientists desperately trying to ignore an elephant standing next to them. The more and more they try to convince themselves and the world that the elephant isn’t there, the more the elephant winks at them and sits there in a seductive pose, rubbing it’s nipples, waiting for attention.

Okay, enough of this animal erotica. Let’s move on to some facts.

Small planets like Earth that have a weak gravitational field normally do not have satellites revolving around them. When they do in rare cases the satellites are no bigger than 30 miles in diameter. Apart from Earth being a clear exception to this, no other planet has been found to defy this rule. The Moon is bigger than Pluto and in theory should be revolving around a much, much, much bigger planet than ours. In November 1969, the moon was hit by a lunar module with the equivalent force of 1 ton of TNT. NASA scientists described the moon as “ Ringing like a bell.” for a full 30 minutes.

NASA’s Maurice Ewing – Co-director of the Seismic Experiment told a news conference;

”As for the meaning of it, I’d rather not make an interpretation right now. But it is as though someone had struck a bell, say in a belfry of the church, a single blow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes.” 

Gordon McDonald – NASA scientist;

“It would seem that the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.” 

Dr Sean C Solomon – Massachusetts Institute of Technology;

“Orbiter experiments have vastly improved knowledge of the moons gravitational field and indicated the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow” 

When a launch vehicle hit the moon with the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT. NASA scientists explained that the moon reacted like a gong for three hours and 20 minutes at a debt up to 25 miles.

Ken Johnson – NASA scientist;

”The moon not only rang like a bell but the whole moon wobbled in such a way that it was almost like the moon had gigantic hydraulic dampers struts inside it.” 


These statements didn’t come from a nerdy, fat, conspiracy obsessed weirdo, sitting in a hotel in Hounslow, watching Babestation in his pants whilst updating his moderately acceptable blog. Well…… it did……but I mean where I got this information from didn’t! It came from actual NASA scientists who found this out first-hand and that makes it equally cool and scary. Anyway I’m not watching Babestation, it doesn’t start till 10.

And let’s look at what the moon is actually made of.

The outer surface of the Moon is extremely hard and contains minerals like titanium. Moon rocks have Hollow-moonbeen found to contain processed metals, including brass and mica, and the elements you radium 236 and neptunium 237 that have never been found to occur naturally. Iranian 236 is a long lived radioactive nuclear waste and is found in spent fuel and reprocessed uranium. Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a byproduct of nuclear reactors and a production of plutonium. What does this all mean? Basically that all of these elements cannot be produced naturally, or at least we have never found evidence to suggest they can be. What is also coincidental is that if we were going to build such a massive structure in space we would use the same refractory metals such as what the moon is made of. Refractory metals are incredibly resistant to heat and wear which is also perfect for absorbing  the bombardment of meteorites. This hollowed out planetoid is perfectly designed.

The Moon is vital for our existence. If it was a different size or moving at any other speed, located at any other distance from the Earth or had a different orbital pattern we simply would not be here. Thank god a 1,000,000,000 to 1 chance made it so… almost like it was planned.


And that’s it. I will eventually get round to making a second part to this, discussing buildings that NASA have discovered on the moon. But that’s all for now… Babestation is just about to start. Stay Safe – HV

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